New additions

Before: New aloe and kalanchoe ready for planting.

After: Kalanchoe Corner. Can you see the two lizards on the bricks above the chair?

We had red kalanchoe at The Compound that were planted by my mother and did well. These were on sale at the nursery because they’re no longer in full bloom. Tom did a great job repotting them. Let’s hope they make it!

6 thoughts on “New additions”

  1. I always look at your blog and love reading it, but it is a sweet treat when I read something about Aaron here and even better when I see a picture of Aaron with his grandmother. He loved her so much, as he did all the Cochrane’s but she was so special to him. They had a bond that was wonderful to see, she loved to talk about the Cochrane’s past and he loved to hear all the stories she had to share.

    As always Becky thank you for sharing, thank you for keeping Aaron’s garden, thank you for loving him so much and remembering him.
    Love to you all,

    1. I’m grateful the garden brings you comfort. I have a couple more things I’m doing, so there will be more posts soon. We think about Aaron every day and love you and David and family so much.

  2. Kaplan was the first plant to go into space. When I worked in the garden, which is no more I made it a point to learn interesting facts about plants to Entertain customers.

    You’ve found a wonderful way to keep Aaron in all your hearts

    1. I might have to change that arrangement. I haven’t seen any dogs over there, but I guess kalanchoe can be toxic to them (probably just stomach upset, but still).

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