
There’s a full moon lunar eclipse on the way May 15. If you want to learn more about it, I recommend this brief video from Kevin at Body Mind and Soul. He discusses this moon as related to motivation, change, and letting go, among other things.

I’ve been struggling with motivation lately–maybe it’s in the stars? (Hint: It’s not. It’s in the world.) I did a bit of Internet diving. From the site Tiny Rituals, I found a list of 15 Crystals for Motivation. Maybe if you have any of these stones or crystals, spending a little time with them will give you a nudge in the right direction.

Tiger’s Eye for shaking off lethargy and taking life by the reigns.
Clear Quartz for cleaning out your spiritual and emotional closet.
Rose Quartz for helping us feel held, loved, and supported.
Citrine for a mindset shift and finding the fun in life again.
Amethyst for purpose-filled steps to your next destination.
Selenite for a soul reset.
Carnelian for diving back into a creative project.
Aventurine for shaking off the past and finding your place.
Lapis Lazuli for consistency and inner truth.
Calcite for cutting out weighty pressure and finding the lightness in life.
Apatite for dissolving apathy.
Fluorite for keeping focus strong.
Garnet for when you need confidence and commitment.
Pyrite for attracting abundance.
Bloodstone for physical strength and vitality.

Here are a few motivation essential oils for your diffusers from various sources on the Internet. Though don’t use them all at once! Maybe pick a blend of two or three, and if you want to use them on your pulse points, put them in a carrier oil like jojoba, grapeseed, or sweet almond.


Today is my brother David’s birthday! Happy birthday to one of my favorite people in the world. So grateful for the music, the books, and the encouragement to think and question that he brought to my life. Also, the jokes. Even the ones that made me roll my eyes.

2 thoughts on “Motivation”

  1. A belated Happy Birthday to brother David! Does that make him sound like a monk..? I hope you get to see each other soon.

    I will try to remember to take a look at those links. I can’t use oil burners or incense downstairs in my home because of the birds, but I could use some of an evening in my bedroom. The Complementary Therapies team at the hospital use essential oils for patients. They sometimes put the blends in a little nasal spray, which can me sniffed when feeling anxious, for example.

    1. I definitely support using essential oils for emotional and physical health. I have a nice roll-on for pulse points to help with insomnia. If I use it along with making myself breathe properly, it almost always works. I just had a bad time with anxiety, but I’m not sure if I want to do a whole blog post about it. Let me know if you ever find and use oils that you use therapeutically. I like hearing people talk about what works for them.

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