Tarot Etc. Thursday No. 7

Wednesday was the full Snow Moon, so I took the following guidance from Kevin at Body Mind and Soul (that link is to their blog post; I watched Kevin’s post on their Instagram account). Full moons, in addition to being a time of completion, can have tension because the sun and moon are in opposition. Kevin suggested that someone might be going back and forth about something, caught in indecision.

I chose to meditate about my writing, lighting incense to help me center myself and focus, and choosing tangible items as suggested by Kevin that included stones and tarot cards.

One astrological aspect of this full moon is represented by the seven of swords, the card of opposition in the Enchanted Tarot. This deck advises you to recognize that your challenges are often self-created and stem from fear and a lack of trust in yourself. If you can identify and acknowledge the negative patterns that feed these qualities, you can find a path forward. Fluorite brings order to a fearful or chaotic mind, so it’s a good companion for this part of the meditation.

The other astrological aspect is represented by the seven of wands, the card of courage in the Enchanted Tarot. This card advises you to trust your judgment and intuition and not give in to fear. Kevin quoted from his source, “Carnelian stimulates courage and action, restores motivation, and helps turn dreams into realities.”

His advice is to come up with “one good reason to try something different.” So my particular task is to identify what I fear that holds me back as a writer, and to try a different action to help me move forward. I’ll be working on it!

The Enchanted Tarot deck, which I’ve shared in previous posts, is now in this wooden box.

Disclaimer: I am no expert on tarot cards. Because I don’t study or practice with any particular deck, I don’t do readings. I use the cards as a means of introspection. I also enjoy the art, beauty, and symbolism of many tarot decks (most recently, the Crow and Muse decks both piqued my interest) and how they reflect the personalities and journeys of their creators. In that way, they are like other things that can inspire me and engage my interest, such as books, music, and art.

2 thoughts on “Tarot Etc. Thursday No. 7”

  1. I do like Tarot, stones and incense. I have carnelian somewhere, which I keep meaning to find. I would like to revisit Glastonbury this year. It’s a bit of a tourist trap, but with loads of mystic stores. It’s fun to visit the abbey and the Tor too.

    1. Shops filled with crystals and stones are some of my favorites!

      If I were a world traveler–and it looks unlikely that will ever be–Glastonbury would be high on my places to visit. England is so rich in history, culture, myth, and beauty.

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