2 thoughts on “Spirograph paintings”

    1. I took over a guest bedroom as my writing sanctuary at the beginning of the pandemic when Tom’s employer moved him to working from home. (On the rare occasion when we’ve had a guest during these two years of isolation, they get the larger guest room, “Lynne’s room.”) The office is big enough for both Tom and me and has two large desks with their own computer setups, but he has a job that requires a lot of quiet and concentration. Even with the best of intentions, I’d have distracted him. Plus he needs one kind of music when he works, and I need another.

      I read out loud a lot when I’m writing–I like hearing the dialogue both before and after I write it, as well as my characters’ interior monologues. That would surely have driven him crazy.

      Even though he now works only a couple of days a week at home, I’m in the habit of writing in this room. I usually do my business stuff and occasionally some of my online reading (news and feature articles) and research on the larger monitor in the office. I also print from the office computer. So I go back and forth.

      When it’s cold, I take the laptop to the room with the fireplace. All these changes are good to keep me out of a rut. And the laptop is on a rolling table, so I’m portable.

      In this room, I constantly surround myself with things that inspire me or set a mood. It has all helped during these trying times. I can’t control the world, but I can manage some control over my little world.

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