Do you keep your visions to yourself?

Every single day, you’ll see a reminder. Whether it’s on social media, or in the unfinished project on the table in a room of your house or on your laptop or legal pad or journal, or in a note from a friend who asks, or in the work of someone else, or in the lyrics of a song.

The message is, “Do it. Do that thing you want to do. Create that thing. Believe in yourself. Do it because you have to/need to/want to/love to. DO IT.”

Why don’t you? Yeah, sure, sometimes it’s the voices in your head of self-doubt. Thinking it doesn’t matter, anyway. Persuading yourself other priorities are more important.

You weren’t born with those voices in your head. You were born with the urge and the gift to create. Creation is the natural order of things. Birth. Rebirth. Struggling. Achieving. Struggling again. It’s in the rise of the sun and its setting, the shimmer of the changing moon, the turn of the earth on its axis, the movement of tides, the change of seasons, the paths of all the planets and brilliance of all the stars that we can see and that we can’t see.

No. Those voices came from others and took hold in your brain, and they will continue all your life, whatever you accomplish, whatever drives you to create, whatever reasons you find to keep going. Whether they were meant to be practical or reasonable. Whether they were meant to tear you down or keep you in a place that was comfortable for them. Whether they were voices of indifference, disbelief, disapproval, mockery, jealousy, or fear. Whether they measured success only by the money you didn’t make and the acclaim you didn’t receive. They’ll always be in your head. You can’t silence them.

Make them part of what you create. And keep creating. Keep creating.

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