6 thoughts on “Scenes from inside on Christmas Day”

    1. Thank you! Previous owner used our living room for his big dining room, because all his TV stuff was in the back in the room we use as the office/craft room.

      We used to have our two tables reversed–smaller round one where the long one is now. But once I found those dining room chairs at an antique store, big table had to move because the chairs took over that other smaller space!

  1. My apartment in this building has been invaded by an critter that moved so fast from my hallway closet, I can only assume it’s a rat by the size of the poop it has left behind. I chased it under the bed, and then it ran into my bedroom closet. I tried baiting glue tray rat traps (I honestly think this is cruel and unusual punishment, but I know first hand (and after watching lots of cartoons) just how ineffective the traditional spring loaded block of wood really is!), but the stupid rat or whatever knocked the food off of the glue tray! Clearly, a holiday season in isolation for 2020 wasn’t the answer, but just think what I would have returned to if I did my usual travels and gatherings?

    I would like to think I would be more welcoming if this was all about puppies!

      1. Once upon a time, there was a rat that lived in Kings Cross Railway Station that wanted a break in showbiz, saved TV-AM, then onwards to the BBC.


        Yes, they even made a record:

        But this critter seems to really prefer The Silence, as it will only come out (of the closets, well, err quite possibly the drains, actually) if I am very quiet or outside for a few hours.

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