Tiny Tuesday!

Tiny leaf dish, with tiny stone hearts: carnelian for empowerment and amazonite for authenticity, plus a tiny cone of nag champa incense. All of these are from my favorite Houston store, Body Mind and Soul. Crystals and stones, incense, aromatherapy and candles, the right music–these are helping keep me focused on writing and positive things.

I’ve found that I can’t read right now. It’s frustrating, and yesterday for an Instagram post, I counted 31(derful) books in my to-be-read pile. Since I’m not routinely a TV viewer, I do that in only limited doses. As much as I love other people’s creativity, for some reason during this time, reading and viewing has become harder. Music is still fantastic, especially some of the musicians I’ve met via social media.

I’ll talk a bit more about stress at the end of this post.

I’m not much of a shopper. I usually go to stores only with a specific purpose, and I’m in and out quickly. But the stores I love most take more time: record stores, bookstores, antique stores, and especially Body Mind and Soul. We are able now to book in-store shopping appointments there in thirty-minute increments. I’ll be glad to shop that way if it helps keep this Houston treasure open.

So many businesses have closed, especially restaurants. Even franchises of chain restaurants. I think so far our favorite locally-owned eateries are hanging in there, and we do get takeout a couple of times a week to be supportive. We have to budget that wisely since I’ve been laid off.

I try to imagine when I can travel again. I didn’t go many places for so long because of work. This past weekend, we Zoomed with the Tom side of the family for his mother’s birthday. It was my first Zoom meeting and was a lot of fun. We got to see people and kids (shit, they’re all almost grown now) and dogs.

One day when the pandemic is under control, I won’t have the income for travel. I try not to think about the future a lot. It makes the present situation seem bleak. I can say that staying home for seven months during a pandemic while the worst administration I’ve experienced in my lifetime is so dishonest and dangerously inept is not something I ever anticipated or want to repeat.

So… stress. There are topics I.don’t.want.to.talk.about. Ever. Has nothing to do with the current situation we’re in. One time someone who knows me well called me a finely-tuned instrument who strongly reacts to the vibrations put off by the planet, events, and humans. She taught me many ways to protect myself, and I still use those. I caution people that when I say, “Stop,” it’s a good idea to stop. It’s not personal. It’s the topic + me. When I get frustrated or reactive, it’s no longer the topic. It’s personal. This is one of my least favorite ways to be. Why would anyone want to provoke it?

So…crystals and stones. Aromatherapy. Candles. Music. Social media avoidance. Coloring. Writing scenes in my head and then into my manuscript. Everybody has their ways to cope and minimize stress. I hope. If not, there’s an entire Internet filled with ideas. Find what works, and know I wish you peace.

8 thoughts on “Tiny Tuesday!”

  1. Thank you for the intro to coloring … It has been a lifesaver. I pick a page that reminds me of someone and color. I’m able to focus on something, I don’t cry every day now … but maybe that’s because I’m not watching the news too

    1. Yeah, the news will fucking kill you. I will do it in very small doses. I’m glad coloring helps. It has definitely been vital to my pandemic life. Lynne and I kept coloring long after kids our age put it away. Back then, all we could find was kids’ coloring books, but we colored with pride during family drama, death, destruction, breakups, and other traumas and never stopped. Adult coloring has been such a gift; whoever got the idea was a damn genius.

      1. I do my best to selectively read what I can, but lately, I can’t find much happiness in the international news, which used to be just a tad more happy, it took work to find them, but I felt better when there was a happier story on the international news sites than anything local, like a never-ending run-on sentence, that outlasts the energizer bunny….

  2. Oh, I like carnelian. I must have some somewhere…

    Have you found you and Tom have been able to save money whilst you have not been working, or has not working made things even more tight?

    1. We have saved money, definitely, because I cook at home more now that I have time. Eating out and taking out is far more expensive than cooking at home.

      Neither of us is using much gas since I’m not working and he’s working at home.

      I buy a lot less. I’m aware that I don’t have the income I did have.

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