Stay Home

I keep trying to explain this to people. Maybe someone else can do it better than I am. This is why we are quarantined except for grocery store, pharmacy, and doctor appointments. This is why we aren’t seeing friends or having friends over to the Hall. Please read.

A Twitter thread from Bess Kalb:

My dad is an ICU doctor treating COVID-19 patients. In the past WEEK he has set more “I’ve never seen a heart rate/RBC count/etc. like this” records than in his decades-long career. What this virus does to the body is like “sticking your finger in an electric socket.”

Stay home.

He had a patient who needed 8 blood transfusions in a morning even though he wasn’t bleeding. The coronavirus was just eating his red blood cells faster than his bone marrow could make them. It’s fucking mystifying and brutal.

EIGHT. Eight blood transfusions.

If you are lucky enough to make it off a ventilator (the equivalent exertion required for that is running a marathon without training), you will likely get put on dialysis and a feeding tube next. It’s a nightmare. It’s hell. It’s what you’re risking on your beach day.

Young, healthy people are dying from a COVID-19 effect called a “cytokine storm.” Basically, you make it off a ventilator (maybe!), you get your appetite back a little, you think you’re turning a corner, and then your immune system rips through your lung tissue and you drown.

The other common way young people are falling off the face of the earth from this are the random strokes it causes. Talking one minute, stroking out the next, and then the nurses have to go through the cell phone to find “Dad” because “Mom” usually insists on coming.

There have been a few “Papa Bear”s or “Daddy-O”s in the cell phones who have tried to come in to hold the bodies.

They can’t, of course. You die alone from COVID. And you will be buried alone. Stay home.

Send this thread to any idiot fucker who posts an Instagram at the beach or a crowded park. Tell them my dad says see you later.

Also have an advanced directive because a lot of fiancés and parents are being put in UNCOMFORTABLE situations deciding. Truly, before you head to the crowded beach or nail salon or bowling alley, decide if you’re a chest compressions guy or feeding tube vegetable queen.

Healthcare workers: Share your stories (without identifiable details obviously) from the front lines. People are GALAVANTING out and about. Explain to them what they’re facing. Or worse, what they’re doing to a loved one.

Aside from practicing social distancing, which is MORE than enough, here’s how you can help frontline workers in the fight against this pandemic:

As everything is contracting, Direct Relief is expanding coronavirus response through intensified analysis, increased coordination, and expanded provision of medical essentials.

Direct Relief

And here’s how you can donate directly to frontline workers in the overwhelmed New York City hospital system, the epicenter of the outbreak in this country:

Donate to NYC Health + Hospitals Staff Caring for COVID-19 Patients
During the coronavirus crisis, we are accepting donations to help our doctors, nurses, and other health care workers providing care to all New Yorkers. NYC Health and Hospitals

My dad wants you to know he made really good polenta tonight.

I woke up to a lot of Trump people saying this isn’t true. I wish you were right! Here’s Sanjay Gupta going over the case of an otherwise healthy baseball player in his 30s who was feeling fine then rapidly declined and died in his bed of COVID:

Sanjay Gupta

We won’t know the body count for a long time because so many young people are dying at home and not being entered into an official tally. You feel fine, you get a little cough, MAYBE you go to the doctor, you get sent home (“you’re young!”), you recover, you take a turn, goodbye.

Even if it doesn’t happen to you and you’re just a carrier, since you’re spreading it, it could happen to a buddy, or to a stranger who walks by you, or someone who brushes up against something you touched. This is a once in a lifetime emergency and your boredom can be lethal.

What people treating COVID patients know is that pictures of the packed beach means some people in that crowd are going to get pulled choking off a ventilator in about two weeks and either live or die and they could have avoided that by just taking a walk.

3 thoughts on “Stay Home”

  1. I already think I will probably die alone. To know so many other people with families are doing so now, breaks my heart

    1. I can’t bear to think of old people sick in nursing homes/hospitals thinking they’ve been forgotten because their families can’t see them.

      I’ve already told Tom if by the most horrible chance this should be me, he must believe and tell anyone who loves me that I understand the situation and no one should feel guilty. Survivors are going to struggle with this guilt the rest of their lives.

      1. I am fortunate (?)enough to be on a nursing page of nurses who are still out there working with Covid-19 patients. This pandemic is far from over. And is predicted to come back even harder and stronger. I have young adult grandchildren and it breaks my heart to see how they disregard this pandemic. Nothing I can say to them gets through. I just hope everyday that my phone doesn’t ring with news of disaster. We have been so lucky thus far to escape this horrible virus.

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