
I saw this on Twitter, and I think it’s so smart.

Is there anyone who doesn’t carry something–not necessarily the big ones like addiction or diagnosed conditions–but any issue or habit that we work to overcome or that we struggle against? Self-criticism, anger, guilt. Nail biting. Stress eating.

My own lifelong struggle is with anxiety. It doesn’t cripple me. I’ve never had to be on medication for it. It’s very often visible to no one but me. But it robs me of sleep and peace of mind. It can leave me irritable and impatient. It definitely impacts my health.

When the world is sleeping and I can’t is the worst time for me. I made a list of reasons why I don’t want be consumed by anxiety and taped it inside the lid of a box. Then I filled the box with things that may help. A small coloring book and colored pencils. A journal that has my magnetic poetry recorded in it–I can always pull out a box of magnetic words and create new poems.

Two Super Heroes to keep me company that I can imagine conversations with or between. (Never forget wee Becky’s dolls were her first storytelling teachers.) Vintage plastic cars because playing with them takes me back to a great childhood memory. Bubbles because I’m a grownup now and can blow bubbles in the house at night if I want to.

Then some comfort movies and books. Trying to read a new book will keep me awake because I want to know what happens next. But re-reading a favorite book means when I get sleepy, I can put it down. Same with favorite movies. Sleepy? Pause and continue watching the next time I can’t sleep. I don’t have to race to any endings–I know it all works out.

I thought the idea might help you, too. Let me know!

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