4 thoughts on “Photo Friday, No. 693”

  1. It is beautiful to me with leaves or weeds or whatever. I love it as a tribute to Aaron. As time has gone by he is spoken of less and less. I talk about him daily, I look for him in everything around me and I see your love for him in the garden no matter the leaves. Thank you

    1. I hope that there will always be someone willing to hear you when you speak of him every day. He was a part of your daily life for the months you carried him and the years you watched him grow up. He will be part of your soul and your memories always. He is loved and cherished and missed, and we talk about him often as he’s still part of our family just like all our parents’ beloved grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

      As lousy as I am with plants, working in that garden and thinking of him is always healing for me. And every single day, I think of him when any One Republic song plays on my iTunes in my office or my car. He gave that music to me by his appreciation for the band, and I never get tired of hearing their songs. I think of him every time I look down and see the Aa on my wrist.

      And then there are the random things… One day I went to put gas in my car, opened the gas hatch, and there tucked next to the gas cap was a white feather. I’d say I can’t imagine how it got there, but I can, and I sent a wave of love to you and Aaron as I blew it into the wind later.

      Aaron remains a great gift, and we love you not only for him, but for you and your beautiful heart.

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