A little photo happiness

Unless I’m utterly crazy, I was never able to upload this photo from 2013 into Flickr, and I could never figure out why. Today, it worked. It’s just a random photo of a stranger.

A while back, when I was having a meltdown about poor computer performance, Tom went to get a new computer for me. But I was never off my old computer long enough for the two to switch desks. Today I worked from the rescue’s office all day, and Tom took care of doing that.

There will be some adjustments to make, but one thing I did was check a file he’d made a while back on New Computer and called “The Crypt.” It was from my old old computer, the one that lives in the attic untouched because it has been on Death Watch for years now. I’d been looking for a specific document, and he found it on Death Watch computer’s external hard drive. That document and others went into The Crypt, and on a whim, I decided to import a very large file of photos he’d also placed in the Crypt into New Computer’s photo library.

Turns out I now have access to many, many years of photos, all predating The Middle Computer. It’s been very frustrating to me to be unable to retrieve them when I want to reminisce about something on here or I want something from the archives for a Photo Friday.

Scrolling through them, I’m kind of amazed at all the things I used to do before I began volunteering and then working for the rescue. It’s been an interesting journey.

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