But is it art?

Here’s what you are looking at.

The stack of paper on the left is a pretty solid draft of 173 pages–also known as the first nine chapters of the work in progress.

The stack on the far right contains drafts of things that HAD TO BE WRITTEN to pacify the characters who live inside my head (they don’t pay rent, but at least they make me laugh and cry).

The stack of empty space in the middle represents the things that need to be written to connect those two stacks so that the manuscript will be finished. The idea of it being finished is both exhilarating and frightening. Because when it’s finished, I have absolutely no idea what happens next. Not to this. This will sit on my shelf unless I make it an ebook. Would you pay ten bucks to read it?

The part that does scare me is: Will I be able to write again? Will more characters push their way into and out of my head?

Who knows. All I can do is enjoy the ride.

Oh yeah, the bags behind the stacks of paper. That is what’s known at the rescue clinic as cat litter. Seriously, I shred my drafts and they make a great place for cats to pee and poop. SO SEE, MY WRITING DOES GO SOMEWHERE.

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