Snoopy Saturday!

Seriously, there’s nothing wrong with your eyes. There’s something wrong with your photographer. But I shoot several of these at a time, and when I discover one didn’t turn out, well, the card is long-buried in so many other cards, and I WISH I had time to dig for it and reshoot, but you don’t mind squinting a little, right?

5 thoughts on “Snoopy Saturday!”

    1. Dawn is a feeling
      A beautiful ceiling
      The smell of grass
      Just makes you pass
      Into a dream

      Days of Future Passed – The Moody Blues

  1. Not long after I first discovered that allergy shots were finally and actually working, I discovered trees have different smells and that pollen was just a yellow powder on my car. Until then, it was Earth after a rain shower when all that yellow powder washed away long enough for me to breathe. So, my favorite would either be sandalwood or eucalyptus or cherry blossom.

    Side effects for me include sitting in a waiting room for a whole 30 minutes after each injection, and the occasional welt that eventually went away. (My brother once had a more severe reaction, but he lived.) Sure, it takes some years to build the immunity, but at least you are actually solving the damn problem than covering it up and becoming immune to Benedryl or Sudafed, trading symptoms for worse which is all in the name of patents anyway.

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