12 thoughts on “Snoopy Saturday!”

  1. I have become more and more lactose intolerant, so I drink soy milk in my cereal, and I’ve gotten better at making hot chocolate or tea without the chalk. I normally don’t drink any “milk” by itself, nor dunk in plain “milk,” but I will dunk in hot chocolate or tea. I still eat ben and jerry ice cream and regret it later. I tried Presidente’s so-called “new recipe ” for camambert and gagged! Yuck! The cheese limit exceeded instantly and nothing I could do would save me from the awful sickly through the nose yuck! But, I can eat small moderately amounts of sharp cheddar, swiss, Brie, and maybe a slice or two of pizza that actually has pizza sauce on it, before I hit the cheese limit. I know that’s more than asked for.

  2. Strange as it might sound, Oreos have never made my list of go withs ice cold 2% milk. So when I baked cookies this Christmas for the first time in ten years, I made chocolate chip, snickerdoodles, peanut butter with a dark chocolate kiss centered on top and just to be different … macadamia nut with white chips. I also love the traditional anise flavored German Springerle cookies, but my Aunt Edna gave Grandma’s hand-carved German rolling pin needed to make them to her favorite niece (aka. my least fav cousin!) I also didn’t feel like going to a traditional German bakery in South Saint Louis to buy them.

    1. All together? I love vanilla wafers, but I don’t think I’ve ever eaten them with peanut butter.

      I love them best crushed up in rum balls. Ahem.

  3. Do I look like I’m five years old?! I do, however, have a mug of hot milk at bedtime – so perhaps that makes me 80?

    1. Ha ha, you could be eighty! But it’s supposed to help a person sleep, isn’t it? I only ever read about it in British novels though. I never had hot milk unless it was cocoa. Then again, I don’t drink COLD milk, so what do I know?

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