25 thoughts on “Snoopy Saturday!”

    1. Any team that goes on strike because they feel they aren’t paid enough deserves to be rooted against, because I would rather that money pay off my loans.

      1. I love baseball … so that’s not an option for me … and the NFL players need someone to stand up for them when it comes to brain injuries.

  1. Comcast.

    Apparently, I’ll root against more for Liverpool than Manchester, but I’m more likely to root against any given team for entirely irrational reasons that has more to do with randomness than popularity.

  2. I would cAll oUt the name of the team I hope would never win a single game, match, BoUt oR aNy other other contesT In any other sport; however people miGht gEt the idea that I am pRejudicial or worSe; so Respectful Of others,I shaLL keep my Thoughts In my own minD and to mysElf.

      1. such haters.

        Go Tigers! Roll Tide. i root for both unless they are playing each other then I favor Auburn, but cheer for the one with the best chance of a national title. JUST BECAUSE I DON’T LIKE THE WHINING OF ALL THE NON-SEC conferences…

        and any team playing the Texans…

        and any team playing the Braves…

        and any team playing a team Jess is on…

                  1. Congratulations on your “retirement.” I know nothing stops, only changes, and I eagerly await hearing what happens next. Don’t stay quiet too long. please!

  3. Well, this is an easy one. Root against any team with the word “crimson” in their nickname. Also, the word “tide” if affixed to that just referenced is an avoidable vexation.


      1. Every one. We have an historic rivalry with France, of course; Germany because of WWI and II and the Argies because of the Falklands. War seems to have a great impact on who our sporting rivals are.

        1. I’m terrible that I don’t keep up with world sports, though I know there are many in the US who do. I can barely keep up with the state rivalries here!

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