9 thoughts on “Snoopy Saturday!”

  1. First, this depends on where the water is: swimming, rafting, hitting on hot guys in speedoes, catching the waves, water slides, etc.

  2. Sitting by the water (ocean, preferably, but a river or lake will do), alone with my thoughts, accompanied by a pen and blank book in which to record them. Bliss. 🙂

  3. I’ll be honest with you, the first time I went into the water was wading in the crystal springs of Missouri as a kid. My cousin started throwing rocks into the water and hit me in the head. With blood rushing down my face I almost drowned. Since then, the only time I get into water is when I take a bath.

  4. listen to it… the waves or a stream or a river
    watch the life it supports…
    just relax… if i am near water it usually means time off so there are usually no phones or other such irritating devices..

    and people that take their LOUD music to such places are a nusisance (grandsons included! at least i can get them to turn theirs down)

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