Snoopy Saturday!

We officially moved to the still unnamed property on Thursday and have spent two nights here. All is well–the dogs LOVE it and, like me, have slept like stones both nights. But there is nothing controlled about the chaos of moving boxes and furniture everywhere, so it took a while to find Snoopy. We made the Saturday deadline!

14 thoughts on “Snoopy Saturday!”

  1. I don’t envy you the unpacking, but I can’t wait to see your pics!

    It’s hard to pick one, but I do love the sound of crickets when the windows are open on a warm summer night.

  2. I can make a lot of noises, but after that first night with Sam, he had a wall clock that chimed various bird songs every hour. Unexpectedly, I developed a habit of making bird noises as a way to either break the silence or reduce the tension. The first time I noticed this, was in line at Bollo’s, where I noticed people looking in all directions for the trapped bird. (The confirmation was annoying an English teacher.)

  3. Definitely waves – more specifically, the sound they make as they’re retreating back into the ocean and being pulled over the rocks at the edge of the beach. Hard to describe, but I have many fond memories of sitting at the ocean’s edge listening to just that sound.

  4. oh my – the a gentle wind rustling trees; the waves; song birds; raptors calling; waterfalls; babbling brooks; bees buzzing; a steady rain; thunder; squirrel barking; coyotes baking; fish jumping; crickets chirping (as long as there is not one in the house that can’t be found or silenced); the lack of human noise…
    umm, I just like to be outside…
    and the smells… the trees (when you are not in Houston and can actually smell them like in CO or AL); rain right before it starts; flowers; ocean; herb garden…
    forget work, I am going outside

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