100 Happy Days: 33

These two make me happy every day. Upon meeting as youngsters, they became instant sisters. During their terrible twos, they destroyed things together. During adolescence and young adulthood, they played hard together. I’ve only heard them exchange harsh words once–twice if I count the time Margot mistakenly thought Guinness was another dog of whom she’s not fond. In middle age, they’d curl up together in bed or on the couch. In old age, they’re content to know the other one is there, to sleep in the same room, not necessarily touching. They’ve settled into being mostly placid senior dogs, though they can still show a lot of energy when it comes to food.

They’ve taught me so much. I know some of the lessons they still have to teach me will be hard ones, but that’s the way it should be. I just want them to be content. And I want to know why Margot has three beds piled up as if she’s playing Princess and the Pea, and Guinness is satisfied to stretch out on the cold tile.

4 thoughts on “100 Happy Days: 33”

  1. you answered yourself… “cold tile” it is H O T.

    Margo prefers to cushion her old bones and joints. She would not appreciate a pea.

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