29 thoughts on “100 Happy Days: 19”

  1. while I am partial to “what’s up buttercup.” I so like “what’s the story, morning glory.”

    1. I never hear the word “buttercup” without thinking of the old song by The Foundations (“Build Me Up Buttercup”). If memory serves, this was the only 45 record Lynne’s niece owned when the niece was like, four or five, so she played it over and over. Consequently, Lynne hated this song.

      I wonder if she remembers that.

    2. Meanwhile, “What’s the story, morning glory?” reminds me of my college roommate who used to say that.

      Oddly, both Lynne’s niece and my college roommate are named Debbie.

      Do you have any Debbie stories that go along with these comments?!?

          1. A coworker named Deb used to bring Little Debbie snacks to work. We said it was because they were like her: cheap and easy. 🙂

    1. Considering the previous comments, you stayed in the timeframe. “Build Me Up Buttercup” was from 1968, and the Moody Blues album (I wasn’t familiar with this particular song) came out in 1967.

      It stuns me to know that the Moody Blues album came first–I always think of them more as a Seventies band, but they were quite busy in the Sixties.

      1. My comment was at 9 in the morning (yesterday…), after I stumbled through the kitchen and poured myself a cup of ambition, yawning, stretching, trying to come to life. So, almost all of the previous comments stayed in a time frame (the past) discussed later during a Tuesday Afternoon, after I made mine (the future passed). Question? Monday, Monday.

  2. did you realize that Toulouse Street the album from the Doobie Brothers was released 42 years ago…. i love most of the songs from that album

    – thank goodness for “classic rock” stations – which is the only way we 35 year olds know about it…

      1. excuse the buttercup fondue … but I went to high school with Keith Knudsen’s little sister, she was a year ahead of me in high school. He bought his parents a very nice car for their anniversary.

  3. I used to grow morning glories at our old house. It’s about the only thing I miss about that place. Maybe I should plant some next spring….

    1. You should! I actually thought mine might not come back this year, after the harsh weather, because I lost some other stuff. It was nice when it showed up. Tim planted it years ago!

      The volunteer morning glories that once grew among my azaleas seem to have vanished for good, however.

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