100 Happy Days: 10

The unexpected. Looked out my rain-spattered kitchen window to see if the sky was clearing and saw this guy looking back at me. Fortunately Tom was nearby to hand over the camera before Squirrel darted off.

7 thoughts on “100 Happy Days: 10”

  1. The other day, in a faint whisper, I said, “Squirrel!”
    Molly, jumped up, scratched the floor trying to run to the doggy door where she finally made traction and chased the squirrel. Barking like a mad dog wishing for wings, the unwanted intruder perched itself at the top of a power line pole, just like your photo. There must have been refugee camps all the way to Texas.

    1. Poor Molly. So valiant; so unable to climb power poles.

      I do think tormenting dogs is the Sport of Squirrels. They probably have their own version of Twitter where they recount their victories.

      1. They have an annual Festival at what apparently was once a dog racetrack, where squirrels would bet their acorns (and usually win) on the Whizzing WabbitTM while tossing acorns at the racing dogs. Although the humans would consider this as “interference,” the manager was forced to ignore the issue; the squirrel mafia (inc.) had pictures of the manager pickpocketing.

  2. Fortunately, Mlle. Renee has accepted squirrels as members of approved animal-life allowed to visit her yard. Therefore, she doesn’t chase them any more. Unfortunately, a dirth of stray dogs running the streets of West Walnut Manor has lead to a drastic increase in the bunny population. This week alone I have seen a half dozen young bunnies play tag in the open space that ajoins my property. And everyone knows that bunny play eventually leads to the bunny nasty and even more bunnies. Anyway, Renee has not removed bunnies from her chase list. She’s a fast runner, but the bunnies always out hop her by a couple of dozen cotton tails.

    1. I don’t usually share my dreams, but the other night I dreamed I was at the vet’s office and Barbra Streisand came in with Donna Karan. They were bringing Barbra’s pet possum because he was sick.

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