100 Happy Days: 9

Some weeks… But at least the Monday to Friday part of it ends with friends and conversation and a meal together. Lindsey even did some crafting. I’m just sharing the recyclable evidence of what we see as our Friday indulgence.

7 thoughts on “100 Happy Days: 9”

  1. I’m not as impressed with *$ these days. They bought Teavana, but this didn’t seem to help starbucks’ teas. About half-way through the drink, they seem dryer and dryer to me. At first, I thought it was the honey sachets, but now I hope it’s the paper cups. Knowing that the prices are going up again, I’d rather just make my own drinks and treats.

    1. I drink so much iced coffee at home, but I still love my two Starbucks favorites. That stuff is more addicting than Lynne’s Diet Coke. I never drink their teas, though.

      1. Oh that’s gotta be the special “sweetener” that they go out of their way to say rather than just plain sugar, LOL. I had an iced lemonade once, and they asked me if I wanted “extra sweetener” in it. What a cover-up. 😉

  2. If you’ll remember, my local Starbucks closed three weeks after it opened. The building is now a Burger King, but I prefer the Wendys that is right next to it. (Even though the Wendys is always crowded and the BK is empty and dirty.) Also, while I enjoy a good cup of coffee, I’ve never developed a taste for SBs.

    1. OK, I’m also cheap! And I can’t understand why a cup of coffee should cost more than a six-pack of beer. And a six-pack of beer will last me the entire summer.

      1. I don’t drink beer, so I may as well spend it on Starbucks. Though usually my Starbucks drinks are courtesy of gift cards or from The Brides, who buy it as our dessert on Friday nights because I’ve provided dinner for us all.

    2. I only like specific Starbucks drinks. I’m not all that picky about actual coffee. I just want my nonfat peppermint mochas for hot and my mocha Frappuccinos with no whipped cream for cold.

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