9 thoughts on “Photo Friday, No. 395”

  1. These guys are too cute! How old are they? They look so young. I really like the middle pup. His markings are notable.

    1. Those are Britt’s puppies Puma, Adida, and Nike. Britt is a brown and white heeler mix. At the time of that photo, the pups may have been around a week old. Britt also had Brooks, Asic, and Reebok. She was a proud mama!

  2. Awwwww, cuteness!

    If I had known this week’s Photo Friday was going to be a morning one, we had a stunning full moon Wednesday. The sky tinted orange as it started to go behind Pike’s Peak. The full moon was very bright that night, too. I should have got my camera out, instead of fighting the moonlight for sleep.

    1. Why is it that we can take a million okay photos, but the most stunning are the ones that got away? It’s like fishing in that respect, I guess.

      1. Suddenly, the outdoors melts away as I throw a pebble at it for teasing me and my camera! 😉

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