And then…puppies!

I have plenty of words. I could be posting them. But right now, I’d pretty much sound like a grumpy old person shaking my fist and yelling, “Get off my lawn!” Even though I’m not actually in a bad mood. To be honest, it’s hard to write when so many people are writing and recommending good books for me to read. I’m swimming and floating in zillions of delicious words from other people and so am reluctant to return to land and add my own words to the sea.

Some times are just meant for reading. And if you can’t write or don’t read… Puppies!

9 thoughts on “And then…puppies!”

  1. If I didn’t (at least) read, how would I find puppies? 😉 Cute puppies! Nice puppies!

    1. They are so adorable. And hopefully now their mom will get into a home where she can be well-treated and get some meat on her bones. She was in sad shape, but the sweetest girl you could imagine.

    1. Three Donna Leon books, Anne Perry, Martin Walker, and I’m about to reread Kimberly Frost’s complete Southern Witch series so that my memory will be clear when I read her ebook novella and then the fourth in the series. I also have Ricker’s new novel to read.

    2. P.S. You can always click on the Goodreads tab in my right sidebar and ask me about any of the books in my library there. That site has saved me, because I’m always forgetting titles and wondering if I’ve already read something. It’s not everything I’ve ever read, but it has become a way for me to track what I’ve read for the past few years.

  2. So cute.

    That’s the trouble I have – so many books so little time. I have my commute, but I still don’t have time to read all the books I would like too or keep up with blogs! And both keep being added to all the time!

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