Remembering Aaron

Two years ago today, Aaron–son, brother, nephew, cousin, friend–took his life. We think of him every day. Our love for him is infinite and unwavering. The world was a better place with and because of him. We never stop missing him. His memory sustains us.

Tom and I began a project today in Aaron’s memory. There will be more photos as we finish it. I just wanted those who love him to know that we hold him, and each of you, in our hearts.

12 thoughts on “Remembering Aaron”

  1. Thank you Becky.
    He loved you and Tom so much. He was so proud of you and all your accomplishments.

    1. The feeling was mutual–I’m in awe of all the things he did and how good he was at them. I was looking at photos the other day, and all the times we were together with you and Alex and Aaron, there was so much laughter–some of the last pictures I have of Mother smiling big are when y’all were with her.

  2. I knew the anniversary was close. Now I wish I’d been able to be with you at Craft Night. I know how hard a day it is for you. Huge hugs your way.

    1. Thank you! It’s never going to be a day without lots of feelings, but it was good that Tom and I could begin that project in his memory. It’s fun to remember when we were all together–I’m glad you and Lindsey knew him, too.

  3. How on earth is it two years? *big hug* to you all. He clearly had a big impact on your lives and a special place in your hearts.

    1. Thank you. He was a wonderful child and teenager, and it’s so sad that we’ll never know the man he was becoming. My heart aches most for his parents.

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