28 thoughts on “Button Sunday”

    1. You know, to some degree I understand writer hindsight, e.g., when Stephenie Meyer regretted that she killed a character who she later realized was deeply sympathetic and had story potential that could never be used. (I realize almost everyone I know who’ll read this is cringing about my referring to SM, but that’s the example that came to mind first, and I make no apologies for supporting any writer and her success.)

      But truly, at some point, a writer has to let go of a work, whether in a series or a stand-alone novel. If we question our choices as writers and can learn from that, then I’m all for it. There are many things I’d do differently now in several books. But it’s best to take that energy and those lessons learned and go forward, not look back. And when your work has created an enormous fandom, let them debate the different choices you could have made if that interests them, but don’t be drawn into it–that seems like an almost narcissistic trap.

      In this particular case, I always thought having HP and Hermione end up together was the predictable outcome, so I admired that JKR made a different choice.

          1. Actually, no, I don’t know that. I think she’s pretty sure SHE knows what’s best. I like that about her. I wonder if Hermione is an Aries…

              1. Oh, well, the Virgos in my life and I have been aligned. It’s a sign I understand and that understands me, so I’m content with Hermione as a Virgo.

        1. I never thought Harry and Hermione would make a good couple, and I was happy to see they remained close friends without the dramatrauma.

      1. In 1883 Sir Arthur Conan Doyle literally killed Sherlock Holmes by having him and Professor Moriarity fall to their deaths from the top of a waterfall in order to devote more time to his historical novels. Ten years later he wrote him back to life to stop the outcries from his publishers and fans.

  1. I guess that now the tools of all writers should include a moleskine notebook, a jar of #2 pencils, a computer, a thesaurus, a waste basket and an ever-ready Keurig for great cups of coffee in less than a minute. Mlle. Renee just added a sympathetic four-pawed companion.

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