Today’s featured puppy

A while back, a group of BARC photos needed to be posted on our group’s website. The dogs needed foster homes until they were ready for safe transport to Colorado. They didn’t have names yet, and when I asked if I could name the six of them, I was given a yes. A few weeks later when I was doing a night shoot of a group of dogs being loaded on the van, I was happily surprised when I learned these two were Lucas and Milton.

Milton (on the right) I named for a friend of mine, and Lucas I named for a character on One Tree Hill.

Sometimes the dogs get renamed by their fosters as they get to know their personalities, so I knew I might have seen the other four puppies and not realized who they were.

Another of the dogs I’d named for a favorite character in a book I read when I was a ‘tween back in the Stone Age. Here’s how I first saw “Cabot” in his BARC photo.

This past Friday at the big media launch, I was photographing dogs in the van when I heard an insistent barking from a crate at my feet.

“I’ll get to you in a second, I promise!” I said as I glanced down. I then knelt to read the puppy’s name. It was Cabot!

I loved being able to see him off. I also loved it when we were sent photos from a photographer on the Colorado end of his journey, and I was able to see his arrival.

Cabot, whether or not you keep your name in your forever home doesn’t matter. I know some lucky family will lose their hearts to you.

15 thoughts on “Today’s featured puppy”

      1. Dan wants a dog. ‘Nathan wants a cat. We dog people torment ‘Nathan with enticing photos and stories about dogs, so he says we’re “winning.” But there is still no dog in their home. (Though there is a dog in his novel–progress, right?)

        I say when the time is right, they get a cat and a dog who get along and will be good company for each other. They may even find an adult rescue pair who’ve been together since infancy and are looking for a new home. Win/win. It could happen!

        1. I’ve seen cats and dogs living together in the same house. Mom once had a grey Himalayan cat that lived long enough to live with 3 dogs. The dogs were more interested in playing not fighting with the cat; the cat was not interested in anything, and spent most of its life upstairs. Sourpuss. But, you can get a good combination.

          1. I’m completely for the inclusion of a Cat-Dog sibling set, but alas, my fella is not so much just “a dog person” as “not at all a cat person.”

            And there was many a discussion about shelters, so I think “doomed” approaches e’er closer.

            1. When the time is right, you’re going to give some lucky dog a great home and family. As for cats, Tom is allergic, so though I like them, we can’t have one either.

    1. BTW, I was looking at your blog and I think you went from 365:321 to 365:222 in your short story counting. I’m not sure if you deliberately meant to do an additional hundred :).

      1. I can’t believe he hasn’t noticed. The two years I did 365 of anything, by the end of the year, I was so looking forward to 365:365 that those numbers were often more satisfying to type in than the actual post. (Not really, but still…)

          1. I’d never have noticed if he hadn’t pointed it out. There were times I reversed numbers when I was doing 365-something something, and I’d have to go back and fix them.

  1. All I can say is Colorado is getting some of cutest, best named puppies ever. I’m sure that all the work you are doing for BARC will earn you a special puppy-angel in heaven.

    1. I might ride in on the coattails of the people doing the real work–it’s amazing to see how much time, energy, and talent they put into this, and their sole compensation is saving animals’ lives.

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