Happy Book Lovers Day

The things I learn from Twitter…

In fact, one day on Twitter someone shared that it was Penguin Books’ 75th birthday. Then I found out that if I tweeted a photo of a Penguin book, I might get a free title from the publisher. FREE BOOKS? Sure!

Here’s the book cover I tweeted:

Then Penguin got in touch with me and asked if there was a genre or any titles I was interested in. I perused their lists, sent some possibilities, and a few days later, received this in the mail.

It’s on my stack to read next. Thanks, Penguin and Christina Castro, and again, happy birthday. To the rest of you who love to read and write books, happy Book Lovers Day! Find your favorite publishers and their reps on social media; they’re always sharing details about new works and often even holding contests with their titles as prizes.

13 thoughts on “Happy Book Lovers Day”

    1. Right? And misinformation, too, when it comes to news. But really, I think it’s always been this way; Twitter just makes it lots faster.

  1. Four dumb calendars around this house and not one told me it was Book Lover’s Day. And to top everything off, my sinus congestion wouldn’t even let me read. Also I was off computer.

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