Legacy Writing 365:337

The other night, Tim shared a video he received of Hanley singing “Santa Claus Is Coming to Town.” She has totally bought into the “be good ’cause Santa’s watching you” deal of Christmas. I LOVE this age, when their good behavior is so transparently about GIFT GREED. When you grow up, you may still have gift greed, but it rarely makes you modify your behavior, even for a few weeks.

For kids who’ll be good for goodness sake, I say: whatever works.

Daniel has already had his bath and is in his Dallas Cowboys PJs as my parents’ grandkids sit in front of their Christmas tree long ago.

Josh is bathed and PJd (Spiderman?), too, as they play sweetly with my dog Hamlet.

Gina and Sarah are so cute I want to fall into this photo and hug them.

They’re all grown up now. Some of their kids are still young enough to be bribed into good behavior for the sake of a visit from Santa. I’m going on record, though, as saying Elf on the Shelf would have creeped me out as a kid and would still creep me out now.

6 thoughts on “Legacy Writing 365:337”

  1. And I’m still sorting through a ton of photos to decide what goes into my holiday post which will debut on Christmas Eve. That doesn’t leave me much time for shopping, decking the halls, scanning, retouching and going to see Lincoln and the Hobbit. Thank God, Les Miz doesn’t open until Christmas Day. And thankfully, I decided to pass on Rise of the Guardians even though I think Jack Frost is the sexiest animated character I’ve seen in years.

  2. Elf on the Shelf is disturbing. We’re almost sold out of them, which is good, because they creep me out. Their heads turn all the way around. (Shudder.)

    I wonder if they make adult sized Spider-Man pajamas?

    My sister blew the whistle for me about Santa, but upped the ante by telling me that we’d probably both get more gifts if I pretended to believe for a long time. I’m sure my parents thought I was a wee bit stunted when I was still apparently a believer far longer than I should have been.

    1. Yeah, I kept “believing” for a while, too, because I figured out that “Santa” seemed to bring the most fun stuff to me while he was giving clothes and stupid stuff like that to my older siblings.

      Elf on the Shelf–if I want something inscrutable to watch me all the time and make me nervous, I’ll get a cat. 😉

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