State of The Compound

We are enjoying a “cold” front–and I realize cold is relative, but 56 degrees is a welcome relief in Houston. Except my flowers looked sad about it this morning. If they survived summer, they need to plant up and endure this, too.

It’s the perfect weather to break out the iron skillets. So, this:

Homemade chili and cornbread. Add our tossed salads, and Tom, Tim, and I will be fixed to gather ’round the TV and watch “The Young and the Restless” on Tivo tonight. It’s just like a heartwarming scene from “Little House on the Prairie,” isn’t it?

You know what else it’s a perfect night for? For Tom to come home from work with THESE for me!

I’d forgotten that Stevie Nicks put out a new CD last year until Greg reminded me of it. And today, he also helped me remember that she had a song on it inspired by Twilight. I love Stevie.

Meanwhile, if you don’t know why the soundtrack from Breaking Dawn Part 2 has me all worked up, just scroll to the bottom of my blog to remind yourself what Tim laughingly told me to upload many months ago. Indeed, it has made me giggle every single day that I’ve seen it there–even days when I didn’t much feel like laughing. For future generations who may stumble onto this blog by accident, because my countdown widget will be gone, here’s a screen cap:

This year, only Lindsey, my Vampartner in Crime, is willing to go with me to the first night of the new and final (?) movie. But LUCKY FOR US, they are starting showings at ten PM Thursday instead of the usual midnight, giving us a better chance of seeing ‘tweens and teens sparkle on.

Then it’ll all be over and I have to be a grownup human again. Or build a new world in a novel of my own…

ETA: Also added to Numbers Photo Series No. 3.

23 thoughts on “State of The Compound”

    1. I think Margot got the last bite of it–she’s obsessed with cornbread. But I can whip up another skillet of it for you. =)

  1. This comment was posted when the counter says roughly


    Now, I know the seconds needs adjustment, so it actually says 001:23:46:07

    (I didn’t actually stay up all night just to post this. I did suddenly wake up though. And, I’m finding it difficult to get back to sleep!)

    1. That’s bizarre, because I watched the seconds through a couple of cycles and no problem–plus it’s still more than two days before the theatrical release, so I don’t know why you saw it as one day?

      Maybe there was a glitch, but it appears right now.

      1. Oh this is what I get for writing comments in the middle of the night with lack of sleep. I should have wrote that in reverse.

        “001:23:46:07” was the actual time it said when I posted, but subtracting the minute and adding 60 seconds gives us

        001:23:45:67, which is not really what the clock said, it’s just a geeky number thing. 🙂

  2. Why did the vampire drink the blood of a sexy lady who had just dined on chili and corn bread?

    He wanted a hot tamale to go with his chili.

    Boy, I really could go for some chili and corn bread right now!

  3. Oh. My. Goodness.

    I pushed through and finished the book series. I finished “Breaking Dawn” today…and we saw the movie, tonight. I thought about you.

    I. Loved. It.

    And now I am soooooo buying the Barbies.
    Yes, indeedy.

    1. That’s a lot of Twilight at one time! I loved the movie, too. It’s hard not to talk about it, but I don’t want to spoil anything for the two people I know who’ll go with me to see it (first times for them, MORE times for me, heh). The twists helped wring all the emotion out of me!

      It’s a good time to look for the dolls–I keep seeing Edward deeply discounted! They’ve been fun for me, too, when I’ve used them.

      Hard to believe it’s all over. Except we’ll always have the DVDs. 😉

      1. I have been keeping my mouth shut about the movie, too. The twists had us (and the rest of the audience) on the edge of our seats. Very emotional! I want to see it again. Very soon! And, yes. I soooooo need to get this (and Eclipse) on DVD.

        I will be watching for deeply discounted Edwards. I haven’t found any of the dolls, yet, except for online. I keep expecting to find a sale. And I will when it is the right time!

        I’ll have to share a Twilightesque moment with you, soon. I think you’ll enjoy hearing about it…

        1. Did you know they have put out a new Bella doll (Bella as a vampire), as well as Jasper and Rosalie? I had no idea until Tim texted me from Target to tell me he’d seen Jasper and Rosalie. Somehow I have to get my hands on those. I’ve seen Jane and Edward both discounted. Hope you can find them!

          The twists–OMG, everyone in the theater shrieked. I swear I clutched Lindsey and said, “This…is…not…how….it….happened…IN THE BOOK.” But yeah, most people seem to be really good about not spoiling it online. Lynne said she wanted to go with me to see it in a couple of weeks, and I think she’s read all the books, so I’m not saying a WORD about it to her.

          1. I didn’t know about the new dolls! How exciting! I think I will look for them on Amazon to see if I can take a peek. Though I won’t buy them there. Amazon has ridiculous prices for dolls online. Thank you for mentioning that. Woo!

            Our theater positively erupted during the twistiest of the twisted scene. I remember that my oldest son and I (the only ones in the family that read the books) both sat forward, our shoulders leaving our seats at the same time. I. Was. Horrified. My son and I sat back at the same time. I can’t even say what he uttered at that moment. I sat back, shaking my head…my hand covering my mouth. My husband looked at me, shocked. With his eyes wide he looked at me and asked “Did that happen in the book?” I shook my head…and the domino effect continued. I was absolutely stunned.

            I think that Lynne will have a treat in store when she sees the movie.

            My husband, I could tell, had been a wee bit miffed when he thought that I had been holding out on him regarding what went on in the book.

            I liked this film the best of the franchise. Hands down. And I enjoyed the franchise, immensely.

            I hope you and Lynne have a lot of fun! (Thanks again for mentioning the Barbies!)

            1. You’re welcome. And you’re right–why are dolls so insanely priced on Amazon? They can still be plentiful in stores but be selling on Amazon for five or more times their retail price. Are sellers just gouging buyers who don’t live near brick and mortar retailers? I’ve been to some of the most remote places imaginable, and two things I can count on seeing in the vicinity: Subway and Walmart.

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