Legacy Writing 365:310

I know I’ve mentioned several times how my mother always sat with her legs tucked beneath her. People frequently compare me to her, but in this way, we’re different. I do often sit with my right leg on the chair, foot tucked beneath my left leg, left foot on the floor. But whenever I read at my desk or in the “queen’s chair” in the dining room, I’m more likely to follow the example of my father.

One thing is almost always true if I have both feet on the floor or one leg tucked beneath me. No matter what piece of furniture I’m on, or if I’m in the car, my back rarely touches a seat back. I tend to sit straight up. Reclining makes my spine hurt.

I have no idea how many ways I unconsciously mimic my parents, but I’m always amazed by all of their movements, facial expressions, and gestures I see in their grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

2 thoughts on “Legacy Writing 365:310”

  1. This picture (and others) comes alive as I see your posts and the mimicry you describe, play out before my very eyes. Your parents live on in the family in the form of gestures, and “things”, too!

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