Legacy Writing 365:302

When Tom and I were at the Renaissance Festival recently, I spent some time people watching in the elephant area. And I had the pleasure of getting to see this guy.

He was taking little kids for rides, and he was as good-natured as he could be. I watched several little ones look at him doubtfully while their parents talked them into riding him. Without fail, once they were on his back and he began his gentle, slow walk, their faces lit up. After their rides, as they were led away, they looked back at him, and he at them, in a way that melted my heart.

When looking through photos, I found this one of my nephew Daniel as a toddler meeting his first llama.

There’s another photo that’s really cute of him looking at a bear, but I can’t stand seeing a bear in a cage, so I’m not posting it.

I also like this one of Daniel with his grandmother from that same day. They always had a good time together.

2 thoughts on “Legacy Writing 365:302”

    1. I wondered, too, then I decided maybe y’all took them off while he was playing in the sand so they wouldn’t get damp/full of sand.

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