Button Sunday

One time when I was looking at buttons, Tom was looking over my shoulder, and when I saw this one, he said, “You have to use that for a Button Sunday.”

“But I don’t love roaches,” I said. “And it will creep Lindsey out if she sees it.”

Then a few weeks later, when Lindsey was over, I showed it to her, and she said she didn’t care, “use the button, you’ve done so much roach-damage to my brain already, what’s one more thing?” Or words to that effect.

So here it is: a lying button. I don’t heart roaches.

Maybe later today, I’ll have some heartwarming Legacy Writing Tale to share, with a bit part for a roach in it. You can’t wait, right?

4 thoughts on “Button Sunday”

  1. The walk-in-closet apartment I once lived in had a roach problem, and these roaches had a drug problem. For, before I discovered the pill cutter, I used to use a chopping board and a butter knife to cut my Adderall pills in half. I was first shocked to see roaches on my counter, but I became intrigued. These roaches prized the little blue crumbs at lightning speeds! (And, they probably became very rich underground legends.)

    1. I’ve never seen Al Pacino’s Scarface, but I’ve seen enough clips to be mentally reenacting scenes from it with your squatters in the starring roles. After all, the word “cockroach(es)” was part of the dialogue.

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