9 thoughts on “30 Days of Creativity 2012: Day 21”

      1. To be honest, I was looking forward to seeing Twilight and was disappointed when I did. I thought it was crap, frankly. New Moon was better, though still not great. I’m going to watch the rest, since how can I form an opinion if I don’t watch them? I would like to read the books, though, since I am well aware of how Hollywood can mangle a good story.

        1. I suspect some of what makes you crazy about the movies will be magnified by the books. But I’d never say don’t read them. You may really enjoy them–millions have!

          My biggest issue with Twilight critics–books OR movies–is with those people who say, “I won’t [read, watch] that, it’s [crap, boring, contradictory to paranormal canon, just for ‘tweens, really for bored old women, insidiously Mormon, a bad example for girls, anti-feminist, not Buffy, not Anne Rice, etc. etc.].” They’re just repeating what they’ve heard. I say don’t read or watch what doesn’t sound like your cup of tea, but don’t excoriate what you haven’t read or watched.

          That’s a general you, not YOU personally, Mark! You’re willing to see the movies and perhaps read the books. If you hate them, you hate them. At least you’ll have given them a go.

          A separate issue for me is when people attack the actors. Just as with the Harry Potter films, I think that’s a lot of fame and attention for such young actors to have thrust on them, and for the most part, both groups have handled it pretty well. Just because one wants to act, or just because one makes a lot of money at it, doesn’t mean a person’s not overwhelmed by that kind of publicity. Especially as a teenager.

          1. Yeah, I know what you mean. I avoid certain things (such as Harry Potter) because the hype puts me off. I want to read what I want to read – not because everyone else is reading it. I suspect I will read them one day. How can I form an opinion without reading them?

            One good thing about being an author (not that I am one yet, but this is my theory) is that one can be successful without having a famous face. Perhaps less so in the technological age, but I think I can safely say I don’t know what a lot of well-known authors look like. Actors, on the other hand…

    1. Rhonda is not a Bella fan, so when I got her that Victoria doll and made that T-shirt for it, I was a giggling fool the entire time. Though as you know, I am Team Bella all the way. I figured you’d laugh, ’cause I know you’re sympatico with me on the Twilight phenom.

      1. I have giggled each time I have seen this photograph.

        I enjoy knowing that someone else enjoys the Twilight phenom as much as I do.

        1. It’s all such good fun for me. The books, the movies, the fans, the adulation, even the naysayers–I’m not sure anything’s been like it for a long time, if ever, because J.K. Rowling and the HP crew never incited the venom of the Twilight stuff.

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