30 Days of Creativity 2012: Day 17

Today’s theme from 30 Days of Creativity is “Pop.” Though using pop as another word for “father” wasn’t included in the description, it is Father’s Day in the U.S.

The Ram directs a scene from Father of the Bride. Monster High’s Draculaura is escorted by Gerald O’Hara (Scarlett’s father!) in his period attire. But at Lindsey’s request, I went with the movie’s 1991 remake instead of the 1950 original just so I could put the bride in sneakers.

Other Day 17 creations can be seen here.

9 thoughts on “30 Days of Creativity 2012: Day 17”

  1. Sneakers are nice, but Spenser Tracy tops Steve Martin in anything. I didn’t think of the Pop = Father connection when I was looking for an idea this morning.

    1. I like both versions of the movie–fathers and daughters both! I had to look up the 1950 movie to remember who played the mother, and of course felt like an idiot. Of course it was the fabulous Joan Bennett.

    2. Also, I was impressed with myself for calling them “sneakers.” I actually always say “tennis shoes,” even if they are shoes that would never be suitable for tennis.

  2. The father looks like G.W. Bush. On a lighter note, I just ate tomato sandwiches for dinner and thought of you.

    1. They could probably use that same face mold for a Bush doll.

      Were they fresh tomatoes?!? Did you make them with Hellman’s (or Best, whichever you have there)?

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