Legacy Writing 365:105

Every day, off to school, to learn something new. In that lunch box, ALWAYS, a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and a thermos of chocolate milk (made with NestlĂ©’s Quik–the only way I would drink milk–and I’m still the only one of us who doesn’t like milk).

Then, in the afternoon, on the driveway, I set up school, gathered the neighborhood kids younger than me, and taught them what I’d learned that day.

Their mothers must have loved the free babysitting services.

Later, I received a chalkboard on a stand to help me with my teaching responsibilities. One side had a black surface; the other side had a green surface. A photo of the chalkboard survives, but I forgot to make a copy before I sent it to my nephew after my mother died (she’d taken a picture of a drawing he did on the chalkboard).

6 thoughts on “Legacy Writing 365:105”

  1. Wow, what a big personality in a cute little package. If only those kids looked like they enjoyed being in your thrall.

  2. I was always confused as a child by the peanut butter and jelly sandwich since our jelly is your jello and I couldn’t imagine how it wouldn’t turn into mush – I watched a lot of American tv haha. We did have Nestle’s Quik though.

    Your driveway school is sooo sweet!

    1. Ew–Jello on sandwiches! No wonder you were confused. Is your word “jam?” We use that word, too, though jam, preserves, and marmalade are all different from jelly.

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