Random Compound

A fun aspect of using bottle caps as part of my in-progress series of paintings is the accumulation and research of the caps. All kinds of friends, friends of friends, and restaurant or bar staff have donated bottle caps. Then there are the ones I find in random places or ask for when I’m out with friends. For example, I still know which caps Lynne and I found on our trip to Alabama last year, including the two I got when I bought us soft drinks at a rural store. Or the one Jim gave me when we were with Tim and Hanley at Té House of Tea last summer. Even though any stories will remain mostly unknown to people who see (and hopefully BUY!) the paintings, I’ll know about them. Sometimes the product slogans become part of a painting’s title (for example, a painting with Coca Cola bottle caps is titled “Tom Is The Real Thing,” or a Pepsi cap led me to a vintage Pepsi campaign and the title “Hanley Has More Bounce to the Ounce”).

The other night, Kathy S took Tom and me to see The Hunger Games as my birthday treat. We went to downtown’s Sundance Cinemas, my new preferred theater, and I noticed a woman who worked at the concession stand sweeping a couple of bottle caps from the counter. “May I have those?” I asked. She happily handed them to me. Then later, Kathy realized a friend of hers works at Sundance, and she arranged for me to get more bottle caps courtesy of her friend. That collection included this one, which sent Tom and me to the computer to try to find out what product it was connected to.

It was taking a while, and since it was a school night, he went to bed while I kept googling. Finally, I identified it and left him a note that said, “Found it! It’s a bottle cap for Arrogant Bastard Ale.” The next morning when I got up, he’d written under it, “Are you doing a painting about [name of an ex-boyfriend]?” Good one, Tom. It’s always nice to giggle first thing in the morning.

Eagle-eyed readers who know the coaster history might say, “Hey, isn’t that bottle cap propped against….”

Yes. It’s true. Lynne sneakily wrapped the damn lemon slice coasters in some cute little fabric remnants and tucked them in with my other birthday presents. And I had just been bragging that this is the first year I’ve been totally coaster-free in forever. No watermelon, lime, or lemon coasters–nor any of the other sets that have been passed around. I SURRENDER! I’m actually going to use the coasters at my desk. For now.

Would you like to see a few more birthday photos? On the Sunday before, we had a cookout. Steaks, baked potatoes, and salad for Tom, Tim, and me, joined by Lynne, Rhonda, Lindsey, and Kathy S. Here’s Tom manning one of the grills.

This is the cake that Lynne baked. Don’t EVEN think that a delicious, from-scratch cake and frosting atones for the return of those hideous horse heads, missy.

Here’s me opening presents, including a sunflower serving platter along with sunflower bowls and dessert plates from Tim.

Tom got me the full set of the Swimming Suit Basics, because Mattel has said this is their last Basics collection. He wanted to save me the time and gas money of going from Target to Target trying to find all six. Here, I have them tucked into a wire basket Lynne gave me (she received one for Christmas, and I coveted it).

Tom’s parents sent me a gorgeous flower arrangement.

Here’s a lovely sun catcher sent from Geri and David, created by the artist Morag Totten.

I love these super cool playing cards included in my basket o’ goodies from Lynne. I’ll take a George of Hearts, please.

Lindsey and Rhonda gave me a pack of canvases and a gift card to Michael’s… which brings me full circle to those bottle caps I should be putting in paintings right now.

Thanks again to everyone who shared the day with me by being at The Compound or with cards, emails, texts, and phone calls. I treasure your willingness to celebrate my thirty-fifth birthday yet again.

8 thoughts on “Random Compound”

  1. I had a “BLAST” @ the movie and so happy you were able to identify the cap !!!!
    Hugs ,
    Kathy aka Sister-Wife

    1. Would you like to own them?!?

      Just kidding. It’s one of three sets we’re not allowed to alter or get rid of. However, if a fourth set comes into my possession…

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