Legacy Writing 365:78

Sweet mother of drama, those teens and parents of One Tree Hill lead a crazy life. I don’t remember high school being quite like that, but it’s been a while, so probably things have changed.

This show has been my recent Netflix viewing obsession, and I just finished Season 4. Only four more seasons on Netflix, then somehow I’ll have to get my hands on the current and final season that’s airing right now.

One of my favorite parts of the show has been the relationship that’s developed, faltered, and been rebuilt or destroyed through two generations of basketball-playing Scott brothers. Basketball is a part of high school I can remember/relate to. The Boyfriend lettered in four sports, but my favorite one to watch him play was basketball. During football games, I had too many of my own things to worry about until after halftime, but during basketball season, I could sit in the bleachers with my friends and focus on the game. I like basketball anyway, because it’s fast and I understand the rules and penalties.

We didn’t play Lynne’s high school because we had a different classification, but we did play in a tournament one time in their gym. And though I don’t think Lynne ever gave a rat’s ass about basketball, she came with her camera and got a few shots. I think most of the players are so blurry that no one would recognize them unless they already knew the boys.

After all these years, I can still recognize the cheerleaders, even from the back. I was friends with some of them, and none of them behaved as wantonly as OTH’s Brooke and Rachel–that I knew of, anyway!

Lynne catches us just before we leave the gym after the game. I’m glad he and I didn’t grow up to endure the crazy, constant dramas of the OTH parents.

Now on to Season 5! I mean: On to sewing! Because I didn’t have to do anything this week for Runway Monday, but my final collection is due next week. See you on the court runway!

6 thoughts on “Legacy Writing 365:78”

  1. That’s a sweet picture of you and the BF! I used to have an enormous crush on a guy I knew who happened to be one of the players on our high school basketball team. I loved watching the games and cheering him… er, the team… on. Ah, memories…

  2. Great pictures of you and “the boyfriend”. I miss the friendship and closeness of our group of “the five guys,” (Steve, Jim B., Zeke, Bobby, and me). I think about the time we (minus Bobby) were arrested for POSSESSION…of fireworks! Steve, and Jim B, had to miss a basketball practice for our “trial,” which amounted to a stern lecture and our case being “nolle pros”ed.

    Steve actually came to a Sunday worship service at the church I served during my brief, eighteen-month exile in Gadsden back in 2006. It was good to see him and catch up.

    I think I never thanked you (I did thank Steve) for pulling me through a very difficult year at ‘Bama. I thank you now. There are times when I wish I had stuck it out there, but I was on the run then and felt then I had no place and no reason to keep running.

    You guys were good together back then and yet, as I infer from what you write, don’t look back wishing, don’t second guess, live the minutes you are given, enjoy the good, and lean on those who love you when the wind blows cold and bitter.

    Thanks for all the leans you offered me.

    1. Thanks for all the leans you offered me.

      My crazy running years came later, but as I quoted someone from my childhood in one of my novels, “We all have to go over Fool’s Hill.” Whatever comfort my friendship gave you, you probably don’t even realize you returned in kind after my mother died.

  3. A big awwww for the fourth picture… you guys were so cute. All my high school pictures are straight out of Freaks and Geeks. Another TV series that didn’t last as long as OTH.

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