Monster good Christmas

You know that old thing about how if a moth sneezes in Lampung, a hurricane blows a roof off a house in Tampa? Something like that, anyway. It’s true that you never know what all the cause-and-effect moments in your life will be.

Last Christmas, Lindsey mentioned that one of her young relatives received all of Mattel’s Monster High dolls, along with binders her family made including the dolls’ biographies. Most people know I’m not a fan of the Bratz dolls; I took a brief look at the Monster High dolls at Target, noted that their body and head sculpts were similar to Bratz, and thought no more about them.

Then one of my LJ friends told me how her granddaughter was intrigued by the fashions I was making for my Model Muses. After seeing them on my blog, this young lady decided to start sewing her own clothes for her Monster High dolls, and my friend linked me to some photos of her work. I love seeing kids get creative, and it was delightful to feel like I had a small part in that.

Because of her granddaughter, I took another look at the Monster High dolls and found myself being charmed by them. I saw a set of the Gloom Beach dolls in a store and was tempted to buy them. Then I thought: Why not put them on my Christmas list? It’s always kind of hard for me to tell people anything I want; I usually just wind up saying gift cards that I can use on the music, books, or art supplies that strike my fancy throughout the year. Maybe the Monster High dolls would be a little more fun for a gift giver.

My brother-in-law Michael drew my name, and he did get the dolls for me. His daughter saw them and loved one of the dolls in the set, which motivated her parents to embark on another shopping excursion. Because of two little girls she’ll never know, Abby now has her own Clawdeen Wolf. And nobody lost a roof.

Here are my Gloom Beach girls:

Frankie Stein, Ghoulia Yelps, Draculaura, Clawdeen Wolf, and Cleo de Nile. I haven’t decided yet if I’ll be sewing for them…but I’m guessing probably.

9 thoughts on “Monster good Christmas”

  1. I might actually go into convulsions of happiness if you did PR Allstar Runway with these… I am going to pray about it. Seriously. I want this to happen that badly

  2. I listened to the first Monster High book on cd and found it to be a really fun book! I’m with Marika on designing for these for All Stars, although the premiere didn’t wow me as much as I had hoped.

    1. I missed our usual suspects (Heidi, Tim, judges) from the All Stars, but I loved seeing designers who can actually make great looking fashion again–even out of the 99 cent store. I haven’t heard/read any Monster High books, but I have checked out the web site.

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