Magnetic Poetry 365:345

In October 2001, Tom and I joined Tim, Timmy, Jim, and many friends in New York for the release of the first Timothy James Beck novel, It Had to Be You. It was a strange time in Manhattan, but traversing the island together in support of the book, having dinner with our editor, and doing a few tourist things helped keep our moods mostly positive.

One place we went was Keith Haring’s Pop Shop, a boutique providing public accessibility to Haring’s art, as well as clothing and gift items bearing images of some of his most iconic drawings. (The shop was closed to the public in 2005; the link above is its online site, where merchandise continues to be available.) While we were there, I sneakily bought Tom a couple of Keith Haring ties that I later gave him for his birthday and Christmas. He liked them so much that a couple of years later, I ordered him another one. Among them, he had a favorite.

On Saturday, he came inside from doing some work around The Compound grounds to five happy dogs (Tim’s and ours). None of those dogs had silk hanging from their mouths or necktie-icide in their eyes. But Tom’s favorite Keith Haring tie must have slipped off the rack and been visible under his closet door, because Pixie and/or Penny someone had left it in the middle of the living room. And it looked like this:

I texted Tim, who agreed that the tie carnage sucked, but then he said, “Though maybe now a Barbie might get a Keith Haring skirt.”

Hmmm. But my Barbies are all packed away until after the holidays.

Except apparently Santa has a secret stash in the house, because here’s a new Model Muse, who I’ve named Shannon after a character in one of my early (never published) novels. And she’s got a fancy new silk dress and jacket.

14 thoughts on “Magnetic Poetry 365:345”

  1. Becky, that is a hilarious story, and gorgeous dress!

    Was that the time that KK and I came down to go to your signing party at that bar in Hell’s Kitchen (or nearby)? We all went to the Renaissance Diner for a post-midnight dinner. Seems like forever ago..

    Keep up the great work!

    1. Dogs will be dogs. If mine weren’t so old and lazy, they’d still be giving me fabric disasters as they did in their youth.

      You are right: Keith Haring Barbie Fashion, pronto!

  2. The dogs probably just thought it was a snake crawling under the closet door and their sole intent was to save your life. They should get a hot dog for being heros. And actually, the dress is rather fetching.

  3. 1. nice glasses.

    2. I love that you know the Dark Prince, because I have always suspected as much.

    3. While I feel bad for Tom’s loss, I do like the dress. Perhaps Santa Paws will bring Tom something special this year to make up for it.

    1. 1. Thanks. That’s a pitcher and juice glass set my mother included in her wedding gifts to Tom and me because she knew I remembered my grandmother’s corner cupboard full of those kinds of glasses from when I was a little kid.

      2. This Dark Prince is enchanting–as a Dark Prince should be–but historically uses his power only for good.

      3. Tom was fatalistic about seeing his tie repurposed in the name of fashion, but I’m sure he’d appreciate something nice from Santa Paws.

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