From time to time, I like to share a household tip I learn from sad experience. Here’s a new one. Did you know if you put a plastic container on a stove burner that was just used to heat bacon grease in a skillet for cornbread, that plastic container will melt?
BUT–did you also know if you got lazy one day and picked up some Kroger cole slaw instead of making it yourself, the plastic container could be used for leftovers, but if you should happen to, say, melt it, it wouldn’t be a big loss?
See, this post is FULL of helpful tips. Just call me Heloise.
LOL Thank you.
You’re welcome. =)
I did that once with the lid to my large retro tupperware cannister. I keep hoping I’ll find another one someday when I do treasure hunting at some resale store.
Dog Girl Lisa, the indiana jones of tupperware.
You should give your friends a photo of what you’re looking for, then we could be on the lookout, too. You know how many resale shops there are in the ‘hood.
I’m too lazy to take a pic, (and find where I put the set in the basement), but it’s the largest of the 4 cannisters (but not the HUGE–5th–cannister). It’s dark brown with a yellow(?) or maybe white(?) flower on it. From the late 70’s/early 80’s. Just the lid. Don’t go to any huge effort or anything. I replaced the whole set. 🙂
LOL! Here’s another handy tip I learned. If you leave your sandwich on the coffee table unwatched for several minutes your dog will EAT the sandwich! Crazy, I know!
OMG–the stories! THREE times I’ve forgotten and left my salad on my desk while I go do something else, and my dog Guinness climbs in my desk chair and gets ON the desk and eats it. Wouldn’t you think I’d learn? And what the hell kind of dog eats salad, anyway?
Once Margot got the blame for eating part of my sister’s coconut cake…but it turned out it was a different culprit–one of my favorite stories that can be read here if you’re interested:
If I had a dollar for every piece of plastic ware of mine that’s happened to…I’d be rich as Stephanie Meyer!
There! I actually made a non-snarky Twilight reference!
I am VERY impressed!