Magnetic Poetry 365:305

The reasons this scenario makes me laugh:

1. That is Marika’s beloved Malibu PJ doll from her childhood. She sent it to become part of The Compound Barbie Collection, knowing I would take good care of her little PJ.
2. I redressed PJ in my own design, a Cheshire Cat dress, because Marika loves the Cheshire Cat.
3. Marika sent me a set of magnetic words that she designed to indulge my whimsical enjoyment of all things Twilight.
4. I used the term “pretty in pink” knowing Marika doesn’t like John Hughes’s movies.
5. Marika’s words and my dolls have now brought poor PJ into GRAVE DANGER from the vampire Victoria.

We live in tragic times.

I have to get back to watching The Vampire Diaries on Netflix now.

Thanks to Tim for the backdrop. Don’t know what I’ll do when he takes his paintings away.

6 thoughts on “Magnetic Poetry 365:305”

  1. 1. Marika recognized PJ, who reminds her of her cousin ( which is odd as my cousin is Eurasian and looks nothing like PJ – but had that cool PJ quality) immediately.

    2 . Marika GASPED when she saw Cheshire Cat dress – it is lovely and should have been worked in your final collection. How are you not famous?

    3. Marika was happy to send the Twilight poetry set – because she thinks all the fuss that people make over Twilight is just silliness and bitchery for it’s own sake ( did I get the placement right?)

    4. Marika does NOT like John Hughes’s movies, except Some Kind Of Wonderful, which she finds delightful – she really hates Pretty In Pink – like everything about it, but will admit that PJ does look pretty in pink.

    5. Marika knows PJ is pretty kick ass, and has some Buffy-like moves and will save herself.

    6.Marika is happy you are watching the Vampire Diaries, but wishes you would just admit that Alaric is just … heavy sigh … dreamy.

    1. 3. The apostrophe placement? You tell me: Can you replace your contraction with “it is” and the sentence still makes sense?

      Would you like me to correct it and delete this comment?

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