
I was out shopping with Tim on Saturday (you can read about that and other things related to this post on his blog here), and I impulsively spent money I don’t have on furniture I hadn’t planned to buy. But it was ANTIQUE. And a good deal! And I even bargained, which is something I don’t do. I bought a reupholstered chair and love seat that the seller estimates are about a hundred years old–that’s even older than my house (eightyish) and ME (ageless). But I bought them just before Ja-vi Custom-made and Antique Furniture closed for the day, and they aren’t open on Sunday or Monday, so I had to wait until today for them! In Aries Instant Gratification Days, that’s two hundred years.

So Tom said he’d go into work late this morning; then my sister-wife Kathy arrived with her truck at nine, and off they went. Except the shop didn’t open until ELEVEN. If only I could read their web site, I would have known I had to wait another twenty Aries years.

But finally the furniture is here. After Kathy and Tom left, I arranged everything about a dozen ways, because even though the new pieces have their own kind of largeness, they’re smaller than what I took out and better suited to my living room. Finally, I was satisfied, and made a couple of dog-related decisions.

1. I would put my mother’s blanket chest under the window behind the love seat so the dogs can jump on the chest and watch Rex TV (the street) without being on the new furniture and potentially scratching the wood with their toenails.
2. I would put easily-washed quilts on the furniture so that when the dogs jump on it–and they will, blanket chest notwithstanding–I have a shot at keeping dog hair and stink off of it.

I had reckoned without Margot’s burrowing instincts. I went into the living room earlier to show Tim the arrangement, and the quilt on the love seat was already in a big pile. I smoothed it back in place and took a photo of Guinness there.

And here’s Margot in the nest she made on the chair.

Looking forward to Tim’s dogs building forts out of the quilts later today.

21 thoughts on “Waiting…waiting…”

  1. Your love seat reminds me of a similar piece I had to sleep on at a relative’s house when I was very young (6ish). It was upholstered with real horse hair covering and probably stuffed with springs and straw. All I remember is the color was burgundy and I was itchy/scratchy all night long! I’m so glad yours has been re-upholstered!
    They are both beautiful pieces. Lucky you.

    1. Thank you. I think it was there that we saw another sofa covered with animal hide much like the one you describe. I told Tim he should get it because then Penny could spend every day grooming it. (She grooms the dogs, the dog beds, the floor, rugs, quilts…whatever her tongue can find.)

    1. I know! It looks like something you should only sit in if you wish to issue orders. Which is probably why Margot has made herself at home there. She believes her true moniker is Queen Margot.

    1. We were used to it with our dachshunds, so when Margot came to us after they died, we loved it. Felt so right to have a dog burrow under our covers. Guinness, on the other hand, can’t stand it if anything is covering her.

      Scruff is such a gorgeous dog.

    1. Thanks! Yesterday I picked up a couple more dog beds to toss in the living room. Who knows; they may choose those instead!

    1. Thank you, David. I hope you get to enjoy them, too! Though of course when you visit, we work your fingers to the bone making crafts and you never get to loll on the living room furniture.

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