30 MINUTES of Creativity: Month 1

The 30 Days of Creativity folks have kicked off a new series: 30 Minutes of Creativity. On the third Monday of every month, they want you to share your thirty-minute creations with them. You can read more about how to play along here.

Today’s the first day, and the suggested theme is “the future.” Here is where I show you that I can predict the future: Today, The Compounders will experience the deliciousness that is sausage-and-cheese-balls.




12 thoughts on “30 MINUTES of Creativity: Month 1”

  1. And after being compelled to work additional 12 hour shifts on top of the normal full-time job this weekend, I could use some of those 🙂

  2. Please add Sausage-and-Cheese Balls to my list of “Must Haves” for my next Houston visit. (I’ll also need a to-go bag for the plane ride home.)

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