What do you do when Ninjas take over your birthday cake?
Fight back! The Rhonda wields a fierce cake slicer. Fear her!
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What do you do when Ninjas take over your birthday cake?
Fight back! The Rhonda wields a fierce cake slicer. Fear her!
My Cake Fu is strong. The Ninjas were defeated, and their cake fortress was decimated. Yet you saw nothing and heard only the wind.
It’s almost like the cake fortress was never there.
Also? Thank you. The dinner, cake, and company were amazingly awesome.
You’re welcome!
No crumbs or frosting left on the platter?
There may actually be a slice or two left, but I’m trying to forget that. Probably Tim and Tom will finish it off tonight.
I’m not a big sweet eater, but I do appreciate a chocolate cake!