Confidential to …

Don’t take the silence personally. We simply disagree so profoundly about big things that discussing them is a waste of our energy. I stopped debating years ago. If I have opinions that can be changed, they won’t be changed by argument, but by my intellect and emotion applied to my own life experiences–which is how those opinions were formed in the first place.

Life is short. Use it well and enjoy it!

18 thoughts on “Confidential to …”

        1. Silly–when have you ever tried to provoke me into a discussion on hot-button issues and gotten the silent treatment?

          However, I will include you in my wish that you live life well and enjoy it!

          1. when have you ever tried to provoke me into a discussion on hot-button issues and gotten the silent treatment?

            True. There is that…

            However, I will include you in my wish that you live life well and enjoy it!

            Thank you!
            I wish for you the same things…

  1. I have one of those friends. It’s hard not to respond, especially when the facts/argument/logic presented to support his position has none of those qualities. Most times I fail.

    1. I understand. It’s hard not to respond when the issues are ones about which I have passion. It sometimes feels like I’m being a coward. I just have to remind myself that my energy is finite and I should direct it toward things that will make me happy, not frustrated.

    1. Thanks. Yes, sometimes I’m goaded into debates, but usually with people I agree with on the BIG stuff–we just like to fine tune a little. I can change my mind when given more information. And even say, “I was wrong.” People I respect a lot whose actions match their words have been known to influence me by how they live, not what they say.

      I do try very hard to be live-and-let-live when it comes to beliefs.

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