Life flashing before eyes

Dear Houstonians:

Just because you voted to get rid of the red light cameras and they’ve been shut off doesn’t mean it’s now okay to run red lights. Going to and from the gym Thursday night, I saw FOUR drivers race through red lights. I’m not talking amber or amber-to-red. I’m talking other cars in adjacent lanes were at full stops and cross traffic was legally proceeding through intersections.


As for the three people who ran stop signs, nobody voted to get rid of them, so you’re also still obligated to stop. Stop, by the way, is defined as not moving. At all.



4 thoughts on “Life flashing before eyes”

  1. reckless driving at discounted rates

    Why would anyone vote to not have cameras at the stoplights is beyond me. We need them all over VA, and while they are at it, they can install the ones for speeding too.

    1. Re: reckless driving at discounted rates

      It baffles me, too, that they were voted down. I think they’re a deterrent for redlight runners. One of the most helpful elements of their existence was that most drivers weren’t sure which intersections had the cameras (there were nonfunctioning cameras at many intersections), so in those cases, they were just a deterrent and not even punitory.

      They’ve been proven to decease the running of redlights, and therefore subsequent accidents, and therefore loss of life and a resulting increase in everyone’s insurance premiums (much like seatbelts did). But I suppose some people think those are okay prices to pay to keep from having a so-called “nanny state.”

      1. Re: reckless driving at discounted rates

        proven to decease the running of redlights, and therefore subsequent accidents, and therefore loss of life

        I know what you meant, but I still LOLed 😉 Death to all red lights!

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