30 Days of Creativity: Day 7

I can grill a mean steak and some rocking burgers and dogs, but chicken on the grill is something I’ve done less than a handful of times in my life. So why I chose this as the meal to create tonight is beyond me. You can’t see the somewhat charred chicken that’s hidden on the bottom of the bowl. Fortunately, the five kids who’re eating tonight have chicken nuggets and Rice Krispies treats (not made by me, I might add), and at least eight of the adults should be ravenous after kayaking down a river, so maybe they won’t notice my less-than-stellar grilled chicken. Wish me luck!

Tossed green salad, potato salad, baked beans, and grilled chicken.

For 30 Days of Creativity.

6 thoughts on “30 Days of Creativity: Day 7”

    1. Ha! I love it when people understand why I use Grandpa on food posts!

      Thanks–they WERE starving so there were no complaints.

    1. Everyone just cut off the burned parts and ate. I like to cook, but I do have my better dishes–and grilled chicken hasn’t so far been among them.

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