How do you talk to a giraffe with one ear?
You’re talking to a toy? That’s just crazy.
Two hundred-plus dolls in the attic agree with me.
However, to humor you, if you give me a page number between 1 and 611, and another number between 1 and 25, we’ll pretend it’s the giraffe looking up something in this book to make you happy. Because as Emily Dickinson wrote, The Possible’s slow fuse is lit by the Imagination.
No 318, 2 please!
You’re first! The giraffe has found you “Le Creuset cookware.”
I want 513 number 13 … and Dash will have 517 number 13 — if you get any car answer … move to the next one.
LOL. The giraffe gives you “French buttercream cookies,” and Dash gets “barns.” Someone’s going ratting!
… and dash will eat cookies while he watches me.
I’ll have page 11, #11, please.
You liked “sports shorts” that much last week, huh? Rock on.
Well, hell…I did that once before with the same entries repeatedly, I think, but not two consecutive weeks. Then again it is supposed to be near 80 today. Think I have time to go homeand change before my next class? =0)
Just in case you don’t, since I dragged out the other edition for MGH, the giraffe consulted it and found, at 11-11, “embossers that stamp ‘The Library of’ in books.”
OR we could check Marika’s evil gift 11,002 things to be miserable about, which has “having to swipe your own credit card at the grocery store.” That’s actually pretty mild for that book!
Well, I do have papers to grade and parking when I came back would be a bitch, so thanks. Plus, I prefer swiping my own card. =)
Two hundred-plus dolls in the attic agree with me.
hahaha you so funny. : )
Can I have page 600, item # waffles, please?
I have a STEEP hill to climb to be funny like you, MGH.
I had to go back to the first edition of the book, but indeed, page 600 presented “griddle-breads: soda-leavened batters based on flour, eggs, and milk, cooked on a greased griddle, skillet, or waffle iron.”
Ooo, I got a First Edition! That waffle’s going on my bookshelf, next to my rare Shakespeares. …And thank you. : )
You’re welcome.
Can I have p. 41, #19 please?
The giraffe has “the scenery along the way, as special as the smells and colors of fresh-from-the-field produce” for you.
page 410, number 17 please!
For you, the giraffe has found “beach umbrellas.” Meet you there!
Perfect! See you in July!
Has anyone ever asked for the last thing to be happy about? If not, lets see what page 611, #25 has to offer.
What a conundrum. That page doesn’t actually go to 25, but the last item is “dozens of places to curl up with a book.” However, if the giraffe keeps going (starting on 611 and ending on page 2–because the first page also doesn’t go to 25), you’ll get “hamburger pizza.” So I say you eat pizza and read a book in some cozy corner. Unless you’re Baby, of course.
I’d sit in the corner if someone gave me an In-N-Out burger.
It is indeed a Happy Day!!
Because I believe one can never have too much happiness, I would appreciate page 331 #8.
The more happiness given away, the more happiness there is! And the giraffe gives you “the fine red and blue threads running through new dollar bills.”
I vote more dollar bills for all, so we can share in your happiness!
That’s an awesome idea!!
giraffe lotto
PG 207 # 11 please
Re: giraffe lotto
Your winning ticket from the giraffe says “someone to fix your computer problems.”
Re: giraffe lotto
But, I fix my own computer problems… hmmm… I suppose I could be a lazy engineer so that hunk at Best Buy can do it…
I’m a day late, but 55, 25 please. Thanks!
“Middle of the week” is one of those vague terms when it comes to happiness.
The giraffe gives you “P’s and Q’s = pints and quarts.” Huh. If I knew that, I’d forgotten it. And I only put those apostrophes in there because this book does.
Depends what they’re a pint and quart of? Thank you!