Some things never get old. For me, anyway.
Also: Lindsey, Tim can tell you if these are the little boots I mentioned.
Who goes there? Please leave comments so (An Aries Knows)!
Some things never get old. For me, anyway.
Also: Lindsey, Tim can tell you if these are the little boots I mentioned.
Yes, those are they.
Some things never get old. For me, anyway.
I don’t get the joke! Can you explain it for me?
Yes. It’s from the Charlie the Unicorn video which you can see here, and which–to everyone’s great dismay–I constantly reference and quote. Caution: You may become addicted to all of Secret Agent Bob’s bizarre videos.
go and put a banana in your ear! 🙂
Re: shuuuuunnnnn
I think the banana song from the second video is way more addictive than the candy mountain song. Have you heard “In the Ocean Blue” from the third Charlie? It’s my favorite, especially Starfish.
Re: shuuuuunnnnn
Yeah, That song is so-oo fun!
with my real name being charlie, you should hear the voice mail messages people leave on my phone at times..
“charrrrrlie, answer the phone charrrrrlie”
And you LOVE it, right?
OMG, I want those boots in teal.
We all do–why don’t they make them in OUR size?
Oh, no—I had to say something else, because suddenly I had 13 comments. You know how I am–it’s the equivalent of that bowl being upside down on my china cabinet.
okay, I love the button….
Heh heh. I never hear “Charlie” without thinking of that time you and Bill went to the movies and you heard that preview and started laughing.