You know what makes me happy? Jingling bells. What you see on top of the happy book is a ring with tiny jingle bells attached ($4, Pier One). You know what makes everyone at The Compound happy? When I don’t wear the jingle bell ring. Bunch of grinches.
If you want something to make you happy, please comment with a page number between 1 and 611, and another number between 1 and 25, and I’ll jingle my way through the pages of this book for you.
I knew the day where I would be first would come!!!! … I want page 451 number 12 and Dash wants page 513 number 9
You get “herbs to use with beef” and Dash gets “palindrome = a sentence or group of words that reads the same backward as forward.” That Dash is such a word hound.
72,12 please.
For you, the book says, “completing a project while still in your robe and feeling productive all day.”
177, 20 please. And I think you should keep on wearing your jingle bell ring – to hell with the grinches! >:-)
I’m wearing it right now! =)
For you, the book says, “mixed greens topped with chunks of chicken, tomatoes, and sprouts, served with honey-mustard dressing.”
I’ll have Page 18, #12, please.
For you, the book says, “rockers: Presidential, Windsor, Snowshoe, Whitley bent-back.”
page 491, number 14 please!
For you from the book is “street hockey.”
Played by buff men while I watch?
Great one!
Your fantasy–it can be whatever you want it to be. =)